Saturday, February 18, 2012


today i went downtown indy to do some thrifting/antiqueing. i went mainly to look for a type writer but it sprung into this little adventure that i loved. i loved the way the floor creaked and everything had been used before, i liked to think of the story behind each item and how it ended up in these quaint stores in indiana.

i loved this camera

awwh one of the owners let their dog run around the store and it was so adorable

a nice sign on the top of a building

hundreds, if not thousands, of old postcards. i just wanted to sit down and read through all of them

mason jars everwhere

i loved these old mail slots

 awwh they had these tiny shoes and they were so adorable

i came so close to buying this camera, it was only $50.00 but i decided against it

a little basket full of old cookie cutters

a rack of old keys. i love this photo for some reason

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

double exposed

over the past couple of months shae and i double exposed a roll of film. even though some of her images are hardly visible/hard to make out i am very fond of the results and i hope we double expose another roll.

even though this one didnt get double exposed i love it.

my friend sarah.

emma, my cousin of course.

shae took the ones of the windmills

i really love this one, maybe my favorite of the roll.

notice the toddler to the right of the frame.

new film

picked up some film today from christmas time/a while ago

mmm, penn station

playin cards

christmas ornament

mmm, steak n' shake.

typical cliche photo of coffee in a mug.

while my sister was skyping with her australian friend.

my grandma and great aunt.

awww memaw.

she was an english teacher for a long time. oh punny humor.

 awww nana

mmm, holiday snack mix.

small tree outside of our house that we decorated.

my fancy shoes.

Saturday, December 31, 2011


ok so this is basically going to be a look back on the year 2011 and my three sixty five.

ok so day one pretty self explanatory. nothing major.

day seven was the first time i shot in manual mode.

day thirty one, i dont really know i just like this. also it was when we got hit by the winter storm, also known as icepocalypse.

day fourty one, i just like this.

day fifty, from the ranch. i love it there.

day fifty nine, the first time i seriously edited a photo.

day eighty, got my haircut

day ninety. just to capture the memory of florida.

day one hundred and eighteen. had my surgery. probably one of the most effective things that happened in 2011.

day one twenty seven, the first time i seriously picked up my camera since the surgery.

day one fifty five. the first time i met and shot with vera.

day one seventy four, the first time i met shae. it sprung a friendship that i am so grateful for.

day two oh seven, my first photo expansion

day two twenty eight, the first day of eighth grade

day two twenty nine, my first client/paid shoot

day two fifty nine, this photo has so much memory behind it, that night in the creek with my cousin was so carefree.

day two seventy seven, the day i turned fourteen

day two ninety three, the first time i met and shot with katherine
day three oh one, chicago

day three sixty five. the end of a journey, the beginning of a lifetime